About Kingtech reliablity test for TFT LCD module

Kingtech reliablity test .

For some potential problem, the regular test can not find.  It may happen after customer use the products for some time So, for every new project, when we do trial order, we always produce extra quantity to do reliablity test.  This can help to  make sure that our material and production process are designed correctly.

About Kingtech reliablity test for TFT LCD module

Welcome to contact us to learn more .

Summer Wei

Kingtech Group Co., Ltd.   Shenzhen Elsun Technology Co.,Ltd 
2nd Floor,Building C,Jia Huang Yuan Technical Park,Tiegang,Xixiang,Bao’an District,Shenzhen,Guangdong,China 518126 
E-mail:  Kingtech12

TEL: 86-755-23037763     FAX: +86-755-8202 2880
Mobile: +86-139-2372-1355    SKYPE: kingtech12  Wechat:13923721355



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