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Kingtech 7 inch 800×480 TFT module display

Kingtech PV07042Y0140T is 7 inch 800×480 TFT module display. It is a replacement for Ampire, LW0700AT9309. LCD panel is TN, 12 o’clock viewing angle. Its brightness is 500nits with 3 parallel lines of 8 serial LED. It supports 18-BIT RGB interface, 40pins. For the touch part, it has a fitted capactive touch. So we can provide with and without touch version.

The 7 inch 800×480 WVGA TFT display module can be used for Industrial equipment such as small processing equipment, CNC equipment, Medical, ECG monitor, fetal heart rate monitoring, ventilator.

  1. TN TFTLCD display
  2. 800×480 /WVGA
  3. Stable supply
  4. 12O’clock
  5. 18 bit RGBinterface
  6. 500nits brightness/High brightness/Sunlight readable/Outdoor
  7. With/without capacitive touch
  8. Industrial equipment such as small processing equipment, CNC equipment, Medical, ECG monitor, fetal heart rate monitoring, ventilator
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