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Kingtech PV05029Y0120A-CT is a 5.0 inch LCD module using IPS TFT-LCD technology.

Kingtech PV05029Y0120A-CT is a 5.0-inch LCD module using IPSi TFT-LCD technology. Its resolution is 800×480/WVGA, landscape. It has full viewing angle, users can view the display well from every side. It has a relative high brightness of 800nits with 8*3LED. It supports multiple SPI interfaces, thus 3-wire SP, 4-wire SPI, QSPI interface. It is with capacitive touch screen. The driver IC of LCD and touch is FT813+ST7265/FT5426.

PV05029Y0120A-CT is applicable for industrial, meter, camera,medical, outdoor device, Security device, Farm machine, etc.

  1. 5.0inch 800*480/WVGA display
  2. High brightness/Sunlight readable/800nits/outdoor
  3. Stable supply
  4. All/Wide/Full/IPS viewing angle
  5. 3-wire SPI、4-wire SPI、QSPI interface
  6. With capacitive touch


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