Who makes Driver board display?

Kingtech professional TFT LCD display from 1.2 inches to 10.4-inch LCD display. In order to provide a one-stop solution to our customers. We can provide the match driver board for our LCD display.

It can help customers to save more time and energy at the start of the project.

We have many kinds of board, such as HDMI board, mainboard, Linux Board and LINUX board, etc…

For our HDMI board, we have MIPI to HDM, RGB to HDMILVDS to HDMI interface transfer board. And our board with CVBS/DVI/HDMI/VGA interface board.

If you want to know more about the driver board, please feel free to contact us.

Contact person : Summer Wei

E-mail: Kingtech12@kingtechgroup.cn

Mobile: +86-139-2372-1355 SKYPE: kingtech12 Wechat:13923721355



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